D12 Hall of Fame

hall of fame photo

The Hall of Fame was established in 2011 to honor individuals whose long-term contributions to District 12 have helped continue the Tradition of Excellence of the Cheyenne Mountain School District. The Hall of Fame is located in the atrium of Cheyenne Mountain High School. Current Hall of Fame members include community members, alumni, faculty members, and administrators.

Nomination Information


Each year, the District 12 Board of Education will request nominations of individuals to be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame. Anyone may submit a nomination on behalf of an eligible individual. Nominees may be an alumnus, a former staff member, volunteer, Board of Education member, or community member worthy of the honor. In order to be eligible, nominees are subject to the following timeline:

  • Faculty/Staff: Become eligible 5 years following retirement/resignation from District 12

  • Alumni:   Become eligible 10 years following graduation from Cheyenne Mountain High School

  • Others:   No time restriction

After the annual deadline for nominations, the Board of Education, along with a committee appointed by the Board and representing alumni, the Tradition of Excellence Foundation, former Board of Education members, and faculty members will consider all active nominations. A nominee will be considered an active nominee for a period of five years from the initial nomination submission. Following review of all nominations, the Board of Education and committee members will vote on the slate of active nominees, and any individual(s) receiving a minimum of two-thirds of all votes cast shall be inducted into the Hall of Fame.


Each nomination must include:

  • Nominee's name

  • Category of nominee (alumni, staff, other)

  • Nominator's name, address, phone number, and email contact

  • Indication of nominator's relationship to the nominee

  • A narrative of up to 1,000 words identifying the nominee's contributions to the Cheyenne Mountain School District and why the individual should be considered for induction

  • A maximum of five (5) letters of support

Hall of Fame Inductees

View Bios of Each Inductee

Carl Fetters

Rose Elnor Hamman
Darryl Laye
Lloyd Shaw

Eldon Helm
Ed Nuccio

Frank "Pop" Evans
Jim Johnson

Marcus Foster
Susie Gross
Paul Homan

Barbara Lewis
Don Wallace

Pat Abbot
David McDermott
Dorothy Shaw

Spencer Beasley
Margaret Morrow

Harlan Else
Hazel Martin

Marilyn Holliday
Jack Wiepking

Mark Vigilante
Claude Burke

Jack Chamney
Richard Marold